For men: 6 actions that are done that reduces sperm count
Studies have shown that modern men lack sperm.
A study by a Jewish university found that Western men's sperm had dropped by more than 50 percent in the past 40 years. Scientists have not been able to find a definitive explanation, but research has shown that certain lifestyle factors play an important role in sperm in men.
The good news is that these levels are not usually stable. Normal sperm production lasts from 60 to 90 days.
This means that the consequences of choosing the wrong lifestyle can be eliminated in 2-3 months. Here are some of the most common behaviors responsible for reducing sperm count and what needs to be done about them.
🔸Insufficient ejaculation
There is a myth that men need to store sperm when they give birth. In fact, frequent intercourse is important for sperm health. If the body does not receive a message about sperm production, it will not produce as much.
Use or lose by default. Health experts recommend that men ejaculate once or twice a week to maintainnnn.
🔸Heat exposure
It is known that the effects of heat affect sperm production. Even hot tubs and heated car seats are responsible, but one of the most common sources of heat is the laptop. The laptop can literally cook the sperm.
Some jobs that involve heat can adversely affect sperm count, such as working as a cook in a hot kitchen or as a firefighter who is not breathing well in a non- breathable uniform.
🔸 Smoking
Smoking cigarettes and marijuana can reduce sperm count, efficiency, and quality. Toxins and contaminants travel from the lungs through the circulatory system to the testicles.
Studies show that simply quitting smoking can have an effect sperm count for several months.
Although it is difficult to quantify the effects of stress due to the subjective nature of stress, fertility experts generally recommend that men try to reduce it. Studies have shown that stressed men have lower sperm counts.
Stress leads to elevated levels of glucocorticoid hormones, which can adversely affect testosterone and sperm production.
Taking anxiolytics and antidepressants can exacerbate the problem. "Certain medications can cause erectile dysfunction and affect the amount of ejaculation.
🔸 Wearing tight shorts or pants
We do not recommend clothing that fits snugly underwear or to tighten the scrotum.
The ideal temperature for sperm production is several degrees below body temperature, so the testicles sit where they should be.
If you get too close to your body, your testicles will not be able to regulate your body temperature to ensure healthy sperm production.
🔸 Excessive intake of alcohol
High alcohol consumption can interfere with the ability of the testicles to produce sperm.
However, moderate intake of red wine may help protect sperm. Antioxidants in red wine help reduce sperm exposure to free radicals that can damage cells and DNA.